Once the moving truck has left, you can’t wait to start this exciting new stage in your life. After all, it’s not every day that you find yourself moving into a new home.
Before you start celebrating, though, there are some things that still have to be checked off the list. Some need to be dealt with immediately, some within the next week or so.
At Stone Martin Builders, we’ve been helping families move for years. So here are a few tips we’ve picked up along the way on what to do when you move into a new home.
Create a Checklist of Things to Do After Moving
There will be time for celebrations later on, but right now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get down to work with this checklist of things to do after moving.
PRO TIP #1: When you’re packing, make a box for essentials. Include items you don’t want to have to struggle to find, like the coffee pot, coffee, tea bags, snacks, toilet paper, trash bags, cleaning supplies, hand soap, or water bottles.

Label and number your boxes beforehand so you have an easier experience when it comes time to unpack. Create an inventory list of what’s in each box. Keep any valuable or difficult-to-replace items with you instead of packing them on the moving truck.
Clean everything in your new home BEFORE you start unpacking. Especially the kitchen and bathrooms. Then, unpack one room at a time in an organized, methodical manner. Make sure you have closet and drawer organizers ready so that everything gets put away neatly.
PRO TIP #2: Unpack the kids’ rooms, kitchen, and one common room first so that the kids (and pets) have somewhere clean and safe to hang out and sleep.
Refer to your inventory list as you unpack. Make sure everything you packed or shipped made it to your new home. If anything is missing or damaged, file an insurance claim. If you had any problems with the moving company, lodge a formal complaint.

PRO TIP #3: Never underestimate how quickly your little one will find an electrical socket or a sharp edge.
Childproof immediately. Identify and eliminate all household hazards to your little ones. Start with the kids’ rooms. Only the fitted mattress sheet goes in the crib. Secure the changing table/bureaus/bookcases against tip-overs, mount window guards and cordless blinds, and install electric outlet protectors. Inspect other rooms for similar hazards.

Get your pets acclimated. Take your dogs for a walk and get them used to their new home. Give them ample time to sniff around to get a full understanding of their new surroundings. Take them for a few walks a day to get them acclimated. If you have cats, keep them inside for some time and consider putting them on a leash for the first few days so they can get acclimated to where you live.
Keep all receipts and documentation from your move in a safe place. Be sure to include items from the sale of your old home (if applicable), papers from the moving company or truck you used, and everything you accumulated from the purchase of your new home. Having everything in one place will really help during tax time.
Set up new accounts or transfer your utilities and services. (Electricity, gas, water, sewage, cable, phone, and internet.) Also, change the address for any previous subscriptions you may have been participating in. If you’ve moved to a new state, stop into the DMV to get a new driver’s license and new tags for your vehicle. If you’re still in the same state, make sure you update your ID and tags with your new address.
Hopefully, you asked your doctors/dentist/veterinarian to refer you to a provider in your new area. Now that you’re getting settled, you may have all the records transferred to your new providers. It’s also time to register the kids in their new schools. Make sure you have the documents you need to get them enrolled: birth certificates, proof of residency, immunization records, emergency contact forms. You may need transcripts from their previous school, too.
If your existing bank isn’t available in your new location, make sure you set up an account before your move. You will need access to money during all stages of your move. Some businesses will accept checks or cards, while others are cash only, so you will need to be sure that your money is easily accessible.
Change all of your locks and/or security codes to be sure that you and the members of your household are the only people that have access to your new home. Check all smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and make sure that you have a number of fire extinguishers and other safety products somewhere where they are easily accessible.
Introduce your family to your new neighbors. Take the time to start developing your new community. Other than helping you to boost your social crowd, this will help in case of emergencies and will help you feel more secure in your new surroundings. PRO TIP: It’s also a great way for your kids to make friends before starting in a new school. And to find out where the best pizza is. (Priorities!)

Get to know your surroundings. Locate the most likely places you’ll be visiting such as grocery stores, banks, library, gas station, gyms, schools, and hospitals or health care facilities. While you’re exploring, stop in at the nearest post office and be sure to fill out a change of address form. Take a drive around town and familiarize yourself with your community.
The Right Move Into a New Home
Moving can be a monumental event, but some forethought and organization can help make it less stressful.
If you haven’t moved yet, this is a great time to visit Stone Martin’s many communities and available homes. When you’re ready, contact our team for more information about making your move to a Stone Martin home.